General information
Jupyter is a web application that provides users with access to computing environments and resources without burdening them with installation and maintenance tasks.
In the current version of the service, three different environments are available to the user:
- Basic Python package
- Data science environment with Python, R and Julia
- GPU-Jupyter for computationally intensive AI models with TensorFlow and PyTorch
Basic and DS-notebook: max. 1 GB RAM, max. 4 CPU-Cores nutzbar, approx. 0,25 CPU-Cores
GPU-notebook: 1/7 of the computing power and 10 GB of the memory of an NVIDIA A100 GPU, maximum 16 GB host memory
After requesting a resource, the user ends up in a Jupyterlab environment. Further information on the benefits and functions of the Jupyterlab interface can be found under this link.
A central component of Jupyter is the Jupyter Notebook. This is a document that can simultaneously contain formatted continuous text, executable code sections and (interactive) visualizations (image, sound, video, 3D views). Further information on the Jupyter Notebook can be found under this link.
Access to JupyterHub
During the pilot phase, the service is only available to students and lecturers of selected courses.
In order to use the service, an Ilias course must be created in advance in which all students register. In this Ilias course, a list of participants can be exported in the "Members" tab via the option "Export participant data" and the button "Start CSV export". Please activate the selection fields "Administrators", "Tutors", "Participants" and "User name" in the "Export settings" and then click on "Start CSV export". Then download the export and send us this CSV file by e-mail. We need this information to be able to activate the users for the service.
Once a user has been activated, they will be redirected to the registration page when they log in for the first time and can use the service once they have successfully registered.
Technical requirements
KIT user account, internet access
If you have technical problems or questions about using the service, please contact the support team